Monday, February 25, 2019

How To Improve Your Google Rankings: 9 Steps to Rank Higher Fast Using Analytics

SEO is slow. It can take years to build up the authority of a domain and the rankings of pages. Search engine optimization is the slowest form of marketing I know. It really is. But there’s one big shortcut.
This post is a step-by-step guide to improving your Google rankings quickly. It’s the only fast SEO tactic that I know of. If you’ve never done it before, there may be huge opportunities to improve your Google rankings. The key is in your Analytics.
The goal is to find a keyphrase that you’re already ranking for, but not ranking that high. If you can find these phrases, you can find the corresponding page. If you can find the page that’s ranking, you can better optimize it for the phrase and watch the rank jump.
Make sense? Here’s the summary again, then we’ll go into detail.
  • Find the phrases for which you almost rank high.
  • Find the page in Google search results. Confirm the ranking.
  • Next, improve the page by better indicating the relevance for the phrase.
  • Check back and see if it worked.
It’s very fast. There is no need to research keyphrases since Analytics will give us the phrase. No need to check competition, because it’s already ranking in Google. That’s why this is the fastest way to increase Google rankings with the smallest possible effort.

The entire process will take you five to ten minutes. Sound good?

1. Take a look at the “Queries” report

First, let’s find the phrases that you’re almost ranking high for. It’s in Google Analytics in this report: Acquisition > Search Console > Queries.
Note: if you aren’t able to access this report, you probably haven’t connected your Search Console account to Google Analytics. There’s a video here that shows how to set this up.
This report shows:
  • all the phrases you rank for
  • the number of times you’ve appeared in Google (impressions)
  • the number of times your pages have been visited from these phrases (clicks)
  • how high you rank for the phrase (average position).

The idea is that a page that ranks greater than 10 is high on page two. This assumes that there are 10 organic search listings on page one, which really isn’t the case, but it’s close enough for us to make this work.
In other words, this filtered report asks Google Analytics this question: “What phrases do I rank for on page two?”
No one wants to rank on page two, but the good news is, high on page two is almost page one. You’re right below a tipping point. This is low hanging fruit!

3. Sort the report by rankings

Click the column header “Average Position” to sort the report. Actually, you’ll have to click it twice so you can see the 11s at the top.

ProTip! Make an Analytics “Shortcut”

Save your filtered, sorted Queries report as a shortcut. This will make it easier to get to next time. Just click the “Shortcut” link above the report, name it and click OK. Now the report will be available anytime in the left side navigation of Google Analytics.

4. Dig through this list, find phrases and confirm the rankings

You’ll quickly notice that this report shows some strange phrases. Things that seem irrelevant. Don’t worry about them. Every site ranks for unrelated phrases. Just ignore them and keep looking.
This report may also show phrases that include your brand name. Skip past those too. Search engine optimization is about ranking and getting traffic from non-branded phrases.
Ideally, you’ll find some buyer-related keyphrases. Remember, there are two kinds of keywords
  • Question Marks
    Phrases entered by people who are researching a problem, without yet knowing how they want to solve it.
    Example: “why does cold water hurt my teeth?”
  • Dollar Signs
    Phrases entered by people who know how they want to solve their problem and are looking for a presumed solution. They are often ready to spend money.
    Example: “emergency dentist chicago”
The money (as in, the leads) are in the buyer-related phrases!
Find a few? Great. Let’s move on.

5. Confirm your rankings

Start searching for the phrases in Google to confirm your rankings. Now you’ll notice that the “average position” really isn’t the same as rankings. Sometimes, you’ll see yourself ranking higher than the report suggests. Other times, you won’t see your site at all.
There are a lot of reasons for the discrepancies.
  • Your site may have more than one page that ranks for the phrase.
  • Your site may rank in image search results.
  • Your site may rank differently today than the average ranking across the date range in the report.
  • Your search results may be personalized for you based on your location, browsing history, etc.
You can avoid that last issue by doing a few things before you search: logging out of Google, using “private” or “incognito” settings in your browser, using a browser you don’t usually use, using a proxy server to connect to Google or using Google’s Ad Preview tool.
Note: Really, there is no such thing as an entirely neutral search. That’s why A/B testing for Google rankings is impossible. There are actually many versions of Google out there! So don’t worry too much about trying to be anonymous.
Don’t expect the data to be accurate. You’re just looking for clues.
Find a page that ranks for a phrase, but not too high? Great. Let’s keep going!

6. Check to see how the phrase is used on the page

Now we want to see how well the page was optimized for the phrase. Does the phrase appear on the page in the right places? Was the page indicating relevance?
It’s possible that the phrase hardly appeared on the page at all. It’s possible the ranking was completely accidental.
If so, you now have an opportunity to indicate the relevance and improve the rankings with very little effort. Here’s how to check:
While viewing the page, search for the phrase (using control+F or command+F on a Mac) just like you would inside a Word document.
  • Does the phrase appear on the page?
  • Does it appear all together, or is it broken up?
  • Where does it appear? In the title, header and body text?
  • How many times is it used in each location?
If the phrase isn’t in the title, header and body text, then this page wasn’t really optimized. The Google rankings were accidental.
Find that the page isn’t well optimized? Great! But first…
Warning: Before you proceed, check to make sure that this page isn’t already ranking for other phrases. It’s possible to indicate the relevance for one phrase and hurt the relevance for another phrase.
To make sure you don’t de-optimize it, go back to your Queries report and look for other phrases the page might rank for. Search for these phrases in Google. Or just enter the page address into SEMrush. This will tell you all the phrases the page ranks for and how high. That’s great data!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Google Ranking Hacks: How to get more organic traffic from google

There’s no single hack for getting huge traffic numbers from Google. Sorry. I wish I could tell you that if you added a very specific keyword to your site or if you optimized your images in just the right way you could net 50,000 unique views. But it just doesn’t happen that way.

The reality is that you can’t rely on one technique to bring in unique visitors. You have to approach it using a combination of different strategies. Depending on your budget, some of those strategies might be out of your reach right now. That’s okay.

Because over time (and yes, it does take time) anyone can hack their way to large traffic numbers. What does it take to get 50,000 new visitors?
The key to getting 50,000 (or 100,000, or a million) new site visitors is to play it safe. I know what you’re thinking. Safe?

It’s not something that entrepreneurs or marketers want to hear. Safe means slow. But a slow, steady, multifaceted approach to growth will always win over the quick tricks. Google traffic is a combination of paid, search, direct, referral and social traffic. You need all of those things in some form or another to rank. And getting all of those things takes times.

You also want to make sure that your traffic is high-quality. It should convert at some point. So you want to focus on traffic sources from the top-of-the-funnel but also the middle and bottom, too.A blog isn’t going to cut it.

A Twitter page isn’t going to cut it. A case study isn’t going to cut it. You need all of those strategies and more if you really want to pull high-quality, unique site visitors off of Google and other places around the web. There are things you can do to make each of those strategies easier for you, though.

To be fair, these aren’t really “hacks” per se, since they don’t offer a quick-and-easy fix. But they are hacks in the sense that they’ll take some of the pressure off. Here are the best “hacks” for getting to 50,000 site visitors. 1. Hire a writer to boost your content creation.

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: Content is king. That’s why content creation is one of the best things you can do for your SEO traffic. In addition to creating indexed pages (which helps you on Google), it’s also cheap compared to other traffic-generating methods.

OK. Not so bad now, right? Sure, it gets expensive as a percentage of revenue. You’re going to need a healthy ad budget to be that aggressive. But once again, not out of the question. I’ve seen a few entrepreneurial companies in not-so-entrepreneurial industries fuel their entire business growth through heavy ad spend like this.

You know, “real” companies with fixed expenses. Ones outside of tech or growth hacking or info-pedaling. You can be aggressive. Do a little better than break-even on the front. And then make up profit on residuals, recurring incoming, or cross-selling to leverage. No. It’s not a long-term strategy. But it’s a start.

And most importantly, it will help you uncover long-tail variations that never occurred to you. Let’s tackle another super competitive keyword, like “WordPress design.” So you add the usual keywords to your campaign, like “WordPress website design,” and let ‘er rip.

Only one problem. You bid on keywords. But you pay for search terms. And many times you’ll discover brand new long-tail variations that cost a lot less. For example, turns out “WordPress themes for designers” is as popular, but far less expensive.